Gaming and memes got their perfect match in the digital world. No matter if you see a total bug, a funny voice chat or a game event happen, you can always expect the gaming community to produce highest-level humor. In our new blog post, let us unpack viral memes that appeared from funny gaming moments.
1. "Press F to Pay Respects"
It was all initiated by Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, where the players were instructed to press "F" during a funeral scene. This action became well known meme, and now it is commonly used as a joke in various online exchanges, however, it was first taken and turned into a legendary meme by the internet joke.
2. The "Skyrim NPC Logic"
What is more, a person can even remain alive when an NPC in Skyrim reacts to the player stealing a piece of bread as to something as not so impactful as a war crime. There are many memes of the finest humor that are thanks to the AI doing something hilarious or someone saying "Your sweetroll must've been stolen!"
3. Lag vs. Reality
Ever played an online game where your opponent seems to teleport across the screen? Lag provides an opportunity for players to record instances of them being struck down by invisible enemies or "murdered after they took cover" in the most absurd way. The struggle is real, and the memes.
4. The Infamous GTA "Wasted" Screen
The "“Wasted” function has been the cause of various funny meme edits, readmore be they real-life fails or pet mishaps on slippery floors. Hence, it is the kind of a meme that will be remembered in the future.
5. Among Us: "Sus" Takes Over the Internet
The "sus" memes appeared along with the rise of Among Us as this game took off. People started speculating about each little detail and soon after non-gamers began using "sus" in their daily lives.
These are some of the humorous episodes that composed the gaming culture for better. By the way, each single day a new meme gets born due to the fact that players keep on inventing new ways to make us laugh.
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